Friday, June 29, 2012

Our Second Harvest of Willow Leaf Lima Beans, and More!

The harvests are in full swing right now and we are enjoying picking every pound of it! The Willow Leaf pole beans we harvested a few days ago were ready to be picked again this quickly, so that's what I did.

After picking three pounds just the other day, we got three pounds nine ounces more! They shelled out to be thirteen and one-half ounces of beautiful butter beans.

This is the bag of shelled beans from the second picking.

Here are the first two shelled bags of butter beans we have from our new type of vining butter bean.

Here is how they look after they have been cooked with some butter and salt.  Delicious!

The first harvest period for the red raspberries appears to be over. This 1/2 ounce of berries is all we got after letting them grow for a few days. They provided us with a good supply of raspberries while they lasted!

The blueberries on the other hand, surprised me with another very nice harvest of fifteen and one-quarter ounces. The bird netting is functioning better than I ever expected.

I don't have pictures of the tomato harvest I got today, but it was a great one and it took quite a while to accomplish! Here is the tomato status from just today's picking:

     Park's Whopper Tomatoes  -  18 Pounds

     Celebrity Tomatoes  -  10 Pounds

     Roma Tomatoes  -  36 1/2 Pounds

This weekend I'm using a recipe for making 7 quarts of seasoned tomato sauce using 45 pounds of tomatoes. I found the recipe in the Ball Blue Book. 

That concludes this late-week post. Thanks for visiting and sharing your comments.

Have a great vegetable gardening day.
Veggie PAK


  1. Beautiful harvest. I'm getting blueberries in ones and twos. But then it is only their second year.

    1. During the first two years of my blueberries, for my spreadsheet tracking I actually counted the berries! It seems funny now, but you wish so hard for them to grow healthy and produce well.

  2. OMG!!! They look so good. Great job!
