Friday, July 22, 2011

Harvest Totals To Date for the Year 2011.

I thought I would give you a rundown on the pounds I have harvested so far this calendar year.

Green Beauty Snow Peas............    .75

Horseradish ................................   2.50

Chives ........................................    .25

Grapes, Reliance Red ................    .56

Grapes, Himrod White ..............   1.06

Grapes, Glenora Blue ................   2.75

Blueberries ................................   2.47

Collards ..................................... 12.50

Swiss Chard ..............................   9.75

Broccoli ....................................   7.50

Beet Greens ..............................   2.50

San Marzano Tomatoes ...........     .44

Parks Whopper Tomatoes .......   9.13

Roma Tomatoes ......................   2.00

Big Boy Tomatoes ..................   5.00

Sorrell .....................................    1.91

Green Bell Peppers .................    0.50

Giant Marconi Peppers ...........  11.13

Sweet Banana Peppers ...........     6.77

Green Onions .........................     0.31

Whiteout Sweet Corn ............     1.00

Fortex Green Beans ...............   91.50

Harvest Total To Date: ..........  172.28 Pounds!

Thans for stopping by my blog.

Have a great gardening day!
Veggie PAK


  1. It looks like you are doing well this year. Do you have a comparison to last year?

  2. Daphne, it is going pretty well. I don't have a comparison to last year at this time. Maybe I'll add a worksheet to my Excel document and have it automatically capture the totals on a monthly basis. That would be interesting for comparison.

    For the last two days here, the temps have hit 106 actual degrees. It's kicking the garden's butt.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a great gardening day!
    Veggie PAK

  3. Boy your garden is producing well! Last weeks temps were definitely stressful on the gardens. I am amazed at your bean poundage!

    Keep up the good work!
