Monday, March 5, 2012

Harvest Monday & Spring Growth for March 5th, 2012.

This week was the final harvest of the broccoli from the fall crop that extended into this year. The final total weight of the spring broccoli harvest was 23.19 pounds.

This week's harvest was two pounds thirteen ounces of fresh organic broccoli. The remainder of the crop is bolting. With the current growth combined with this coming week's temperatures which are forecasted to be in the high 60's for several days, the end of this crop is a sure thing.

Here are a couple of pictures of my blueberry plants showing their new growth. I can't wait to see the harvest this year since I added two more bushes last fall.

The root that I cut off a bunch of store bought celery and planted last year has survived the winter without any protection at all. I wonder if it will continue to grow?

It certainly looks healthy to me.

The brown turkey fig tree is showing healthy growth all over. It should be a good year for it.

The garlic is still growing pretty good. It also had no protection from the "winter" weather we've had this year.

The green onions that I planted after using the scallions are growing very well. I'll be ready to begin harvesting more scallions from the same bulbs in just a few weeks.

Then there's my favorite... Red Raspberries! They are sprouting like crazy, even with frosty nights.

I plan to put in three or four more plants this spring. I simply can't get enough of them. My grandkids  love to pick them and eat them right there!

Be sure to visit DaphnesDandelions for more exciting vegetable gardening experiences in a northern growing zone, as well as beautiful pictures of her prepared food that will absolutely make you salivate!

Thanks for stopping by to see what gardening information I have to share with you.

My readers are still having some difficulty when trying to leave comments. I also have been frustrated when trying to leave comments at other blogger's sites. I wish Blogger would fix it and leave it alone.

I appreciate your perseverance when leaving your comments for me.

Have a great and warm vegetable gardening day.
Veggie PAK


  1. Nice broccoli harvest! How many plants did you grow? Also, it looks like signs of spring are showing in your garden. Spring must be right around the corner.

    1. Thanks! I have 8 rows, each twenty feet long spaced 18 inches apart. That gives me about 106 plants. The yield was 0.42 pounds per foot of row. Two of the rows were planted weeks later than the first ones. I had three pickings from the other six rows before I picked the first broccoli from those two late rows. I attribute that to the lower rate for pounds per foot of row. It's 72 degrees today!

  2. Looks like spring is on its way! Wow what a broccoli harvest! How many square feet/number of plants did you have for that?

    1. Yes it is! Please see the above reply to Julie for the analysis of my broccoli harvest. I should have planted them all at the same time. Then the yield would have been better. This year I will check my spreadsheets and be sure to plant them all two or three weeks earlier. The problem is that you have to pull something from the garden to make room for the next crop. It's a tough decision, but I'll be stronger this year and make it as necessary.

  3. You did real good with your broccoli! Plants here are all sprouting like crazy and the daffodils have already bloomed and faded away then last night we had 28 degrees. Strange winter this year.

    1. Thanks! Same here with the daffodils. It has been a strange, warm winter. I hope this summer isn't going to be hotter than usual.

  4. Beautiful broccoli . . . again! I wish I could get that much broccoli. It looks so good. I actually went out and bought some the other day. I don't buy a lot of veggies, but it is that time of year when I've eaten a lot of my stores and now I need to supplement.

    1. Thanks! It is so tender and sweet! We love it fresh!
